Samantha and Victor's Fall Foliage Anniversary Session | Oregon Wedding Photographer


I loveeeee shooting anniversary sessions y’all. You grow so much together every year, and I think it’s important to document every stage of your marriage— not just the beginning. For Samantha and Victor’s anniversary session we wanted to capture the glow of the fall foliage in one of their favorite spots. We had so much fun running around the trails, having leaf fights, and rolling around like kids again.

I will always remember when Victor jumped on Samantha for a piggy back ride— she’s so tiny he barely had to hop!! That series ended up being my absolute favorites from their anniversary session because these two are still so playful and fun and surprising each other every step of the way. I’m so grateful for our afternoon together that ended with a glowing sunset.

Samantha and Victor, you’re the BEST and I had a blast getting to know you two and talking through jobs, books, and the twists and turns life takes. Wishing you two the coziest winter together as the seasons change!!


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