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How To Make Your Wedding Guests Feel Special

It has been a long year, and I’m sure we can admit that some moments have been better than others! Maybe you got engaged this year? Big congrats! However on the other hand you probably haven’t been able to visit with your family and friends in quite some time. But, I’ll let you in on a little secret…  you have the PERFECT excuse to gather all of your favorite people together, your wedding! As the year carried on and COVID continued to make changes to wedding plans, we saw a major boom in intimate weddings and elopements. They’re COVID-friendly and truly something special. Elopements are meant to be a celebration, one that’s tailored to whatever YOU want it to be! There are no rules against having family at your elopement or intimate wedding, in fact, I encourage it! Who doesn’t love being surrounded by those who know and love them the most during these big life moments? These are the people who make you feel special, who make you feel loved and supported. Let’s dive into some ideas for making your local and out of town wedding guests feel special and welcome at your wedding!

Welcome them with open arms

You’ve invited all of your favorite people and received their RSVPs. Travel arrangements have been made and the hotel is booked; your guests are so excited to be heading to a weekend of events all celebrating you and your love! Whether your guests are coming from just down the road or across the country, you want to make they each feel welcome. Consider greeting them at their hotel or Airbnb with warmth and hospitality. Maybe you’ve purchased a nice bottle of champagne and some light snacks that are native to your elopement destination. Your guests will feel like royalty walking into their rooms, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a cocktail and snack after a day of travel?!

Home for the weekend

After hours spent planning you found the best location for your guests to stay, now let’s go the extra mile. After a long day of travel your guests are ready to kick off their shoes for a quick pre-welcome dinner rest. Let’s make them feel at home and place a welcome basket in their room. What goodies are inside? Cozy slippers? A yummy scented candle? Some sweet treats? Maybe all of the above! But the icing on the cake? A heart-felt, personalized note thanking your guest for taking the time to come to your wedding. Personalized notes are a great way to remind guests how important they are and how happy you are that they have made it to your big day.

Let’s go on an adventure.

Even though I would love it if weddings carried on all weekend long, they do have to come to an end eventually. However, that doesn’t mean your guests' trip needs to be over! Oftentimes if your guests are visiting from out of town they will make a trip out of it. There’s no easier way to make your guests feel special than by creating a custom trip itinerary just for them. Include some of your favorite restaurants in town, a nature hike you and your partner enjoy, or your favorite bars! And if you’re not local, hit all the spots with them! 

Your ride is here!

We’ve all had the stressful experience of taking a wrong turn at the red light or rushing to a destination when your ride was late. Don’t let this happen to your guests while they are in town for your wedding day. Provide Uber or Lyft codes so guests can be escorted to and from the wedding safely or consider providing a shuttle or bus for guests to hop on at the hotel. They will thank you for giving them the option to leave their car at the hotel so they could have a good time!

Details details details

No one wants to be the guest who accidentally shows up thirty minutes late because the ceremony time was miscommunicated. Be sure to explicitly share all of the details of your day with your wedding guests. The more direction they have the more comfortable they will feel! For example, if your ceremony is outdoors, remind guests that they may want to bring a light jacket. If your reception is on a beautiful estate lawn - let guests know that stiletto heels may not be ideal for the evening. All of these little details are going to make all the difference when it comes to the experience your guests have. So, let’s make it a good one! 

Wherever you choose to host your elopement or intimate wedding, your guests will remember it fondly and cherish the event and how special they felt to be included in the big day. 

For more elopement planning tips, check out “How to Involve Family in Your Elopement” on the blog!